Water management
QLD Water Management
In Queensland, the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing & Water, (QDRDM&W) is responsible for the administration and management of water resources.
Current Queensland Minister responsible for Water is Hon Glenn Butcher.
Queensland Water Plans and resources relevant to the Border Rivers:
Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy is responsible for the management of water resources in the Queensland Border Rivers. This includes licensing, trade and compliance.
SunWater manages the Macintyre Brook Water Supply Scheme and operates Coolmunda Dam. They also manage the billing for QLD water users across the Border Rivers.
NSW Water Management
NSW Border Rivers is managed under the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE). They perform the policy and planning functions which direct the work of other agencies.
Current NSW Minister responsible for Water is the Hon Rose Jackson MLC.
Relationship between Basin Plan, WRP and other instruments
Image Credit: NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment
NSW Water Plans and resources relevant to the Border Rivers:
WaterNSW is responsible for the operation of the Border Rivers System in NSW, including Glenlyon Dam. They work in close collaboration with NSW DPIE and coordinate river operations from their Goondiwindi Office. They operate the system in accordance with the requirements of NSW Government (DPIE) and QLD Government (DNRME) which are laid out in the 2008 Intergovernmental Agreement.
NSW Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR)
NSW Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR) was established in 2017 as part of the NSW Government’s response to Ken Mathews Report into water management and compliance in NSW. Their role is to be the ‘policeman on the beat’ in natural resource compliance, including all water resources. They enforce the law in respect to water licensing, access and metering and are the legal entity that prosecute those found to be doing illegal things.
NRAR also have a role in educating people in how to become and remain compliant with the rules and regulations that govern how they use the resource.
NRAR Report Suspicious Water Activity
Who’s Who
Rural water authority
Catchment management authority
State government water authority
Use of environmental water
Border Rivers catchment - Commonwealth Environmental Water Office
Water for the environment - New South Wales Government - Office of Environment and Heritage
Irrigation water allocation